Invited Conferences
M.Prat, Liquid-vapor phase change phenomena in porous media. The discrete approach. Application to capillary evaporators. Third International Seminar "Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators", Minsk, Belarus, 15-18 Septembre 1997
M.Prat, Recent advances in pore-scale models for drying of porous media. International Drying Symposium (IDS) 2000 keynote lecture, 28-31/08/2000, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
M.Prat, On some recent applications of percolation to model transport phenomena in porous media, 1st International Conference on Applications of Porous Media, June 2-8, Jerba, Tunisia, June 2-8, 2002
M.Prat, Quelques exemples d’utilisation de structures modèles pour l’étude des phénomènes de transport entre surfaces rugueuses ou en milieu poreux. Colloque Franco-Tunisien « Les Milieux Poreux » CFT-07, Sousse, Tunisia, 13-15 Avril 2007
T.Metzger, E.Tsotsas, M.Prat, “Porennetzwerkmodelle für die Trocknung" Annual meeting of German Chemical Engineers, ProcessNet Dechema/VDI, Aachen, Germany, 16 Octobre 2007.
M.Prat, Interplay between drying and salt crystallization in model porous media, Crysprom, CRYStallisation in Porous Materials, ENPC, Paris, France, 22-23 Mai, 2008
M.Prat, Evaporation from porous media: influence of liquid films, wettability and statistical fluctuations, Gordon Research Conference on Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, 13-18 Juillet, Oxford, UK, 2008
M.Prat, Pore-Scale network models and their Applications to capillary evaporators and gas diffusion layers of PEM Fuel Cells, Keynote lecture, 6th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, ISMF 2009, Xi’an, China, 11-15 Juillet 2009.
M.Prat, Application of pore network models for the analysis of heat and mass transfer with phase change in the porous wick of loop heat pipes, Keynote lecture, 15th International Heat Pipe Conference (15th IHPC) Clemson, USA, April 25-30, 2010
M.Prat, Mechanisms involved in efflorescence localization at the surface of a porous medium due to wick action, Crysprom II, Crystallization in Porous Materials, Grand Hotel Giessbach, Brienz, Switzerland, June 15-18, 2010
M.Prat, Pore Network Study of Water Invasion in a Hydrophobic or Partially Hydrophobic Thin Porous Layer, Third International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science Engineering and Industry (ICAMP3), 20-25 June 2010, Montecatini, Italy.
M.Prat, Pore network models of drying, contact angle and film flows, 17th International Drying Symposium, 3 - 6 October 2010, Magdeburg (Germany)
M.Prat, Heat and mass transfer in capillary structures. Application to loop heat pipes, 8th Minsk International Conference "Heat Pipes, Heat Pumps, Refrigerators, Power Sources", 12-15 September, 2011 Minsk (Belarus)
M.Prat, Drying from the pore network approach : liquid films, polymer and salt effects, Drying of Building and Soil Materials Workshop, July 3, 2012, ENPC Champs sur Marne, France.
M.Prat, How to make crusty or patchy efflorescence Crysprom III, Crystallization in Porous Materials 4-7 September 2012 Tróia Portugal
M.Prat, Thin porous media: identification of specific properties and definition from a case study, Workshop on thin porous media, Prague, Czech Republic 21 May 2013.
M.Prat. Computation of leak near the percolation threshold from a bond network approach in static sealing, Workshop on Predictive Approach of Sealing, Paris, France, 13 October 2014.
Selected Journal Articles on Evaporation – drying
W. Masmoudi and M. Prat, Heat and mass transfer between a porous medium and a parallel external flow, Application to Drying of Capillary Porous Materials, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Trans., Vol.34, No.8, pp. 1975-1989 (1991)
M. Prat, 2D Modelling of drying of porous media : influence of edge effects at the interface, Drying Technology, 9(5), 1181-1208 (1991)
M.Prat. Percolation model of drying under isothermal conditions in porous media. Int. J. of Multiphase Flow. Vol.19,No.4, pp.691-704 (1993)
M.Prat. Isothermal drying of non-hygroscopic capillary-porous materials as an invasion percolation process. Int.J. of Multiphase Flow.Vol.21,No.5, pp.875-892 (1995)
J.B.Laurindo, M.Prat. Numerical and experimental network study of evaporation in capillary porous media. Phase distributions. Chem.Eng.Sci. .Vol.51,No.23, pp.5171- 5185 (1996)
J.B.Laurindo, M.Prat. Numerical and experimental network study of evaporation in capillary porous media. Drying rates .Chem.Eng.Sci., Vol.53,No.12, pp.2257-2269 (1998)
Y.Le Bray, M. Prat M., Three dimensional pore network simulation of drying in capillary porous media, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr.,42,4207-4224,(1999)
M.Prat, F.Bouleux, Drying of capillary porous media with stabilized front in two-dimensions. Phys. Rev.E 60,pp.5647-5656, (1999)
D.S. de Freitas et M.Prat, Pore network simulation of evaporation of a binary liquid from a capillary porous medium, Transport in Porous Media, 40, pp1-25, (2000)
M.Prat, Recent advances in pore-scale models for drying of porous media, Chem. Eng. J., Volume 86, Issues 1-2, Pages 153-164 (2002).
H.P.Huinink, L.Pel, M.A J.Michels et M.Prat, Drying processes in the presence of temperature gradients. Pore –scale modelling. European Physical J. E.,9,487-498 (2002)
F.Plourde, M.Prat, Pore network simulations of drying of capillary media. Influence of thermal gradients, Int.J. of Heat and Mass Tr.,46, 1293 – 1307, (2003)
O.Chapuis, M.Prat, Influence of wettability conditions on slow evaporation in two-dimensional porous media, Phys. Rev. E, 75, 046311 (1-11)(2007)
M.Prat, On the influence of pore shape, contact angle and film flows on drying of capillary porous media, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr., 50,1455-1468 (2007)
K.M.Pillai, M.Prat et M.Marcoux, A study on slow evaporation of liquids in a dual- porosity porous medium using square network model, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr. 52, pp. 1643-1656, (2009).
H.Chraibi, M.Prat, O.Chapuis, Influence of contact angle on slow evaporation in two dimensional porous media, Phys. Rev. E, 79, 026313 (2009)
F. Chauvet, P. Duru, S. Geoffroy, M. Prat, Three periods of drying of a single square capillary tube, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 124502 (2009)
F.Chauvet , S.Cazin, P.Duru, M. Prat, Use of infrared thermography for the study of evaporation in a square capillary tube, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr., Vol. 53, Issues 9-10, pages 1808-1818 (2010)
F.Chauvet , P.Duru, M. Prat, Depinning of evaporating liquid films in square capillary tubes: influence of corners roundness, Phys. of Fluids 22, 112113 (2010)
M.Prat, Pore network models of drying, contact angle and films flows, Chem. Eng. Technol., 34, No. 7, 1029–1038 (2011)
M.Prat, S. Veran-Tissoires, N. Vorhauer, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas. Fractal phase distribution and drying: impact on two-phase zone scaling and drying time scale dependence 30th anniversary Special Issue. Drying Techn. J. ,30, Issue 11-12, pp. 1129-1135 (2012)
N.Vorhauer, Q.T. Tran, T. Metzger, E.Tsotsas, M. Prat, Experimental investigation of drying in a model porous medium: influence of thermal gradients, Drying Techn. J. 31 (8) , pages 920-929 (2013)
S.Beyhaghi, S.Geoffroy, M. Prat, and K. M. Pillai, Wicking and Evaporation of Liquids in porous Wicks: A Simple Analytical Approach to Optimization. AIChE J. Volume 60, Issue 5, pages 1930–1940 (2014).
S.Assouline, K.Narkis, R. Gherabli, P. Lefort, and M.Prat. Analysis of the impact of surface layer properties on evaporation from porous systems using column experiments and modified definition of characteristic length, Water Resources Research, WR014489 (2014).
Selected Journal Articles on Salt transport and crystallization
B.Camassel, N.Sghaier, M.Prat, S.Ben Nasrallah, Ions transport during evaporation in capillary tubes of polygonal cross section. Chem. Eng. Sci., 60, 815-826, (2005).
N. Sghaier, M. Prat, S. Ben Nasrallah On the influence of sodium chloride concentration on equilibrium contact angle, Chem.Eng. J. 122, 47–53, (2006).
N.Sghaier, M.Prat et S. Ben Nasrallah, On ions transport during drying in a porous medium, Transport in Porous Media,62 ,pp243-274 (2007)
N.Sghaier, M.Prat et S. Ben Nasrallah, Ions transport during drying in a porous medium under high external relative humidity conditions, Journal of Porous Media, 12,6, 549-559 (2009)
N.Sghaier, M.Prat, Effect of efflorescence formation on drying kinetics of porous media, Transport in Porous Media, 80 (3), pp. 441-454 (2009)
H. Eloukabi, N. Sghaier, M. Prat, S. Ben Nasrallah, Drying experiments in a hydrophobic model porous medium in the presence of a dissolved salt, Chem. Eng. Technol. 34 (7), 1085-1094 (2011)
S.Veran-Tissoires, M.Marcoux, M.Prat, Discrete salt crystallization at the surface of a porous medium, Phys. Rev. Letters 108, 054502. (2012) (quoted in Physics focus, New Scientist magazine, Chemical & Engineering News, ..)
S.Veran-Tissoires, M.Marcoux, M.Prat, Salt crystallization at the surface of a heterogeneous porous medium, Europhysics Letters, 98 34005 (2012)
H. Eloukabi, N.Sghaier, S. Ben Nasrallah, M. Prat, Experimental study of the effect of sodium chloride on drying of porous media: the crusty-patchy efflorescence transition, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr., 56, 80–93, (2013)
F.Hidri, N. Sghaier, H. Eloukabi, M.Prat, S.Ben Nasrallah, Porous medium coffee ring effect and other factors affecting the first crystallization time of sodium chloride at the surface of a drying porous medium, Physics of Fluids, 25, 127101 (2013)
S.Gupta, H.Huinink, M.Prat, L.Pel, K. Kopinga, Paradoxical drying due to salt crystallization, Chem. Eng. Sci. 109, Pages 204–211, (2014)
S.Veran-Tissoires and M. Prat, Evaporation of a sodium chloride solution from a saturated porous medium with efflorescence formation, J. of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 749, pp.701-749 (2014).
N.Sghaier N., S.Geoffroy S., M.Prat, H.Eloukabi,S. Ben Nasrallah, Evaporation driven growth of large crystallized salt structures in a porous medium, Phys. Rev. E 90, 042402 (2014)
Selected Journal Articles on Fundamentals
M. Prat, On the boundary conditions at the macroscopic level, Transport in Porous Media, 4 : 258-280, (1989)
M. Prat, Modeling of heat transfer by conduction in a transition region between a porous medium and an external fluid, Transport in Porous Media, 5 : 71-95 (1990)
M. Prat Some refinements concerning the boundary conditions at the macroscopic level, Transport in Porous Media 7:147-161, (1992)
Selected Journal Articles on Fuel cells
O. Chapuis, M. Prat, M. Quintard, E. Chane-Kane, O. Guillot, N. Mayer, Two-phase flow and evaporation in model fibrous media. Application to the gas diffusion layer of PEM fuel cells, J. of Power Sources, 178 (2008), 258 -268
M.Rebai, M.Prat, Scale effect and two-phase flow in a thin hydrophobic porous layer. Application to water transport in gas diffusion layers of PEM fuel cells, J. of Power Sources, 192, pp.534-543 (2009)
L.Ceballos, M.Prat, Invasion percolation with multiple inlet injections and the water management problem in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, J. of Power Sources 195, pp. 825–828 (2010)
S. Pulloor Kuttanikkad, M. Prat, J. Pauchet, Pore-network simulations of two-phase flow in a thin porous layer of mixed wettability: Application to water transport in gas diffusion layers of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, J. of Power Sources 196, pp. 1145–1155 (2011)
M.El Hannach, M.Prat, J.Pauchet, Pore Network Modelling: application to multiphase transport inside the cathode catalyst layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Electrochimica Acta 56, pp. 10796– 10808 (2011)
L. Ceballos, M. Prat, and P. Duru ,Slow invasion of a nonwetting fluid from multiple inlet sources in a thin porous layer. Phys. Rev. E 84, 056311 (2011)
J. Pauchet, M. Prat, P. Schott, S. Pulloor Kuttanikkad, Performance loss of proton exchange membrane fuel cell due to hydrophobicity loss in gas diffusion layer: Analysis by multiscale approach combining pore network and performance modelling, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy. 37 (2), pp. 1628 – 1641 (2012)
M.El Hannach, M.Prat, J.Pauchet,Pore Network Model of the Cathode Catalyst Layer of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: analysis of water management and electrical performance, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (24), 18996–19006 (2012)
L. Ceballos, M. Prat, Slow invasion of a fluid from multiple inlet sources in a thin porous layer: influence of trapping and wettability, Phys. Rev. E 87, 043005 (2013)
M. El Hannach, T.Soboleva, K. Malek, A. A. Franco, M. Prat, J. Pauchet, S.Holdcroft, Characterization of pore network structure in catalyst layers of polymer electrolyte fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources 247, 322-326, (2014)
Selected Journal Articles on Capillary evaporators
C.Figus , Y.Le Bray, S.Bories, M. Prat, Heat and mass transfer with phase change in a porous structure partially heated. Continuum model and pore network simulations. Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr. vol.42, pp.2257-2569,(1999)
M.Prat, Application of pore network models for the analysis of heat and mass transfer with phase change in the porous wick of loop heat pipes, Heat Pipe Science and Technology, 1 (2):129-149 (2010)
C.Louriou, M.Prat, Experimental and numerical pore network study of bubble growth by vaporisation in a porous medium heated laterally, Int. J. of Therm. Sciences 52, pp 8-21 (2012)
M. Nishikawara, H. Nagano, L.Mottet, M. Prat Numerical study of thermal performance of a capillary evaporator in a loop heat pipe with liquid-saturated wick, Journal of Electronics Cooling and Thermal Control (JECTC), 4, 118-127 (2014).
L.Mottet, T.Coquard, M.Prat, Three dimensional liquid and vapor distribution in the wick of capillary evaporators, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr., vol. 83, 636-651 (2015)
Selected Journal Articles on Sealing – flow in fractures
F.Plouraboué, M.Prat et N.Letalleur. Sliding lubricated anisotropic rough surfaces, Phys. Rev. E, vol.64, pp. 011202-1, 011202-10, (2001)
M.Prat, F.Plouraboué, et N.Letalleur,. Averaged Reynolds equation for flow between rough surfaces in sliding motion, Transport in Porous Media, 48(3): 291-313, (2002)
N. Letalleur, F. Plouraboué et M.Prat.- Average flow model of rough surface lubrication : flow factors for sinusoidal surfaces, ASME J. of Tribology, vol.124, pp. 539 –546, (2002)
S.Geoffroy, M.Prat, On the leak through a spiral-groove metallic static ring gasket, ASME J. of Fluids Eng., 126,1, 48-54 (2004)
F.Plouraboué, S.Geoffroy, M.Prat, Conductances between confined rough walls, Phys. of Fluids, 16,3, 615-624 (2004)
F.Plouraboué, F.Flukiger, M.Prat, P.Crispel, Geodesic network method for flows between two rough surfaces in contact, Phys. Rev. E, 73,036305(1-12), (2006)
O.Amyot, Flukiger F., Geoffroy S., Plouraboué F., Prat M., Critical point network for drainage between rough surfaces, Transport in Porous Media, 70, 257-277 (2007)
F.Robbe-Valloire, M.Prat, A model for face-turned surface microgeometry, Wear, 264, 11, 980-989 (2008)
F.Flukiger, F.Plouraboué, M.Prat, Non-universal conductivity exponents in continuum percolating Gaussian fracture. Phys. Rev. E, 77, 047101 (2008)
Selected Journal Articles on Superfluid helium
H.Allain, M.Quintard, M.Prat, B.Baudouy, Upscaling of superfluid helium flow in porous media, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tr., Vol. 53, pp. 4852-4864 (2010)
H. Allain, R. Van Weelderen, B. Baudouy, M. Quintard, M. Prat, C.Soulaine, Investigation of suitability of the method of volume averaging for the study of heat transfer in superconducting accelerator magnet cooled by superfluid helium Cryogenics 53 128–134 (2013)
H. Allain, B. Baudouy, M. Quintard, M. Prat, Experimental investigation of heat transfer through porous media in superfluid helium, Cryogenics, vol. 66, pp. 53–62 (2015)
Selected Journal Articles on Filtration
P.Schmitz et M.Prat. Three dimensional laminar stationary flow over a porous surface with suction. Description at pore level. AIChE J.,Vol.41, No.10, pp.2212-2226 (1995)
J.Dufrêche, M.Prat, P.Schmitz, J.D.Sherwood, On the apparent permeability of a porous layer backed by a perforated plate, Chem. Eng. Sci., 57, 2933-2944, (2002)
D. Gassara, P. Schmitz, A. Ayadi, M. Prat, Modelling the Effect of Particle Size in Microfiltration Separation Science and Technology, 43, 7, 1754 – 1770, (2008)
M.Rebai, M.Prat, M.Meireles, P.Schmitz , R.Baclet, Clogging modelling in pleated filters for gas filtration, Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 88 (4), pp. 476-486 (2010)
M.Rebai, M.Prat, M.Meireles, P.Schmitz , R.Baclet A semi-analytical model for gas flow in pleated filters, Chemical Engineering Science 65, pp. 2835-2846 (2010)
Selected Journal Articles on Fixed bed reactors
P. Horgue, F. Augier, M. Quintard, M. Prat, A suitable parametrization to simulate slug flows with the Volume-Of-Fluid method, C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris. Volume 340, Issue 6, Pages 411-419 (2012)
P.Horgue, F.Augier, P.Duru, M. Prat, M. Quintard, Experimental and numerical study of two-phase flows in arrays of cylinders, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 102, 11, Pages 335–345 (2013)
F. Larachi, R. Hannaoui, P. Horgue, F. Augier, Y. Haroun, S. Youssef, E. Rosenberg, M. Prat, M. Quintard, X-ray micro-tomography and pore network modeling of single-phase fixed-bed reactors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 240, 15, Pages 290-306 (2014)
R.Hannoui, P.Horgue, F.Larachi,Y.Haroun,F.Augier, M.Quintard, M.Prat, Pore-Network Modeling of Trickle Bed Reactors : Pressure Drop Analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 262 . pp. 334-343 (2015)
Selected Journal Articles on Miscellaneous
A.Dominguez, S.Bories et M.Prat, Gas cluster growth by solute diffusion in porous media. Experiments and automaton simulation on pore network, Int.J. of Multiphase Flow, , 26, 1951-1979, (2000)
J.Dufrêche, M.Prat et P.Schmitz, A two–scale domain decomposition method for computing the flow through a porous layer limited by a perforated plate. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 42, 623 –639, (2003)
N.Puiroux, M.Prat, M.Quintard, Macro –scale heat transfer in ablative composite layers : Non equilibrium theories, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 43, 541-554 (2004).
V. Pavan, M. Prat and V. Vidal. Foundry Core Box Vents Positioning as a Problem of Boundary Optimal Control of Convective Gas Flow in Porous Media. Journal of Porous Media, 9 (7), 609-624 (2006).
S.Geoffroy, F.Plouraboué, M.Prat et O.Amyot, Quasi-static liquid–air drainage in narrow channels with variations in the gap, J. of Coll. Int. Sci., 294, 165-175 (2006)
V.Sarrot, M.Prat, Hyperslow drainage in a porous medium. Influence of retention curve. Advances in Water Resources, 33, 987–996 (2010)
A. M. Carciofi, M. Prat, and J. B. Laurindo Homogeneous Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) Model for Simulating the Imbibition in Porous Media Saturated by Gas, Energy Fuels, 25 (5), pp 2267–2273 (2011)
C.Louriou, H.Ouerfelli, M.Prat, M.Najjari, S. Ben Nasrallah, Gas injection in a liquid saturated porous medium. Influence of pressurization effects and liquid films, Transport in Porous Media 91:153–171.(2012)
B.A.M. Carciofi, M.Prat, J.B. Laurindo, Dynamics of vacuum impregnation of apples: Experimental data and simulation results using a VOF model, J.of Food Engineering Volume 113, Issue 2, Pages 337–343 (2012)
F.Chauvet, S.Geoffroy, A. Hamoumi, M. Prat, P. Joseph, Role of Gas in Capillary Filling of Nanoslits, Soft Matter 8, 10738 (2012)
P. Horgue, M. Prat, M. Quintard, A penalization technique applied to the Volume-Of-Fluid method: wettability condition on immersed boundaries, Computer & Fluids, vol. 100, 1, pp. 255–266 (2014)
Book Chapters
W. Masmoudi, M. Prat and S. Bories, Drying of capillary porous media: continuum approach or percolation theory : some experimental evidence, Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media, pp.817-828, M.Quintard et M.Todorovic Eds,Elsevier (1992)
O.A.Plumb and M.Prat, Microscopic models for the study of drying of capillary porous media, Drying'92, pp. 397-406, A.S.Mujundar Ed., Elsevier (1992)
A.Bouhouch, M.Prat et H.Boisson, Compressible flow in porous media. Checking of a macroscopic model by means of pore-level simulations. "Mathematical modelling of flow through porous media", pp.381-390, Editors: A.Bourgeat, C.Carasso, S.Luckhaus, A.Mikelic., World Scientific (1996)
S.Bories et M.Prat, Isothermal nucleation and bubble growth in porous media at low supersaturations Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Volume II, D.B.Ingham et K.Lambert Ed., pp. 276 to 315, (2002).
T.Metzger, E.Tsotsas, M.Prat, Pore network models : a powerful tool to study drying at the pore level and understand the influence of structure on drying kinetics, Chapter 2, pp.57-102, in “Modern Drying Technology”, Volume 1 “Computational tools at different scales”, A.Mujumdar and E.T.Tsotsas Ed., Wiley, 2007.
S.Veran-Tissoires, S.Geoffroy, M.Marcoux, M.Prat, Chapter 8 Evaporation and Wicking in Wicking in Porous Materials: Traditional and Modern Modeling Approaches, Edited by R. Masoodi and K.M.Pillai, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis 2013.
S.Ben Nasrallah, M.Prat, A review of modelling approaches to heat and mass transfers in porous wicks, Chapter 1, p.1-27, in “Heat Pipes and Solid Sorption Transformers Fundamentals and Practical Applications”, Edited by L.Vasiliev , CRC Press, 2013.
S.Assouline, K.Narkis, S.Veran-Tissoires, M.Marcoux, M.Prat, Impact of heterogeneity on evaporation from bare soils, Chapter 6 in Transport and Reactivity of Solutions in Confined Hydrosystems, Edited by L.Mercury, N.Tas, M. Zilberbrand, Springer 2014.
M.Prat, Evaporation from a porous medium in the presence of salt crystallization, Chapter 19 in Transport and Reactivity of Solutions in Confined Hydrosystems, Edited by L.Mercury, N.Tas, M. Zilberbrand, Springer 2014.
.Geoffroy, M.Prat, A review of drying theory and modelling approaches. Chap.7 in Drying and Wetting of Building Materials and Components, Building Pathology and Rehabilitation 4 J.M.P.Q. Delgado (ed.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.
M.Prat, Evaporation, dans projet d’ouvrage collectif sur le changement de phase, en préparation. H.Combeau et L.Tadrist editeurs.
M.Prat, T. Agaësse, Thin porous media, Chapter 4 in Handbook of Porous Media 3rd Edition, Edited by K.Vafai, Taylor Francis in press 2015.